10 AM Story – Conner Mounger

Posted on: November 8th, 2016 by anneely

The election of 2016 is finally here! No matter who wins today it will mark yet another day in history for the presidential election. The polls here in Lafayette County are opened early for all voters to get a chance to get in and vote.

As of yesterday at 9:30 p.mm the percentage of predicted votes for Hilary Clinton was 275 while Donald Trump had 215. Today will be a very interesting as the election is followed. Not only to see who will win but how close or far the votes will be.

The first person that was in line was a man that went by the name of Mike. Mike was the standing in line at 6:51 a.m.. According to Mike, “he was always busy and he had to go to the polls early to start his day.” Everyone was full of smiles and jokes this morning. No one was in a bad mood as they waited for the polls to open. By 6:57 a.m. 10 people were in line. The conversations of the line for the first six people were mostly about the election. The people talked about how our state does not matter on the Electoral College. Many felt that their vote does not even count. One woman spoke of how only four states really matter for the election. Even more talk was how they feel that congress should get term limits and how nothing will ever really change unless congress starts to get a limit like the Presidents.  


One man whom was also one of the first in line talked about his happiness that it is finally all over he said, “I’m so glad it is over. All the hash out on TV is over. We use to be a better nation. All of our dirty laundry wasn’t aired.”

According to Amy, “I just came early because the boys have games. I have to cook dinner and do laundry. My husband is coming later today.” One man who seemed like he was in a rush had a little time to stop and talk. He said,” I am here this early because I work over in Tupelo. I get off at 8 p.m. so this is my only time to vote.”

By the time 7:17 a.m. rolled around there was no line outside. One woman who had just made it to the door was on her phone in one hand with her little boy in the other hand. The little boy was so excited about the apples his dad cut up for him that morning and his red Nike tennis shoes that he was going to wear to school that day when his mom dropped him off. The little boy could be heard telling his mother that he loved her as they walked up through the doors. The mom said she loved him back only in the sweet voice of a mother. According to the mother, “I was going to vote in the evening but it didn’t look like it was too crowded. I wanted to go ahead and vote. I have to call my doctor and tell him I am going to be a little late.” She was a nurse for the local hospital.


One thing that was extremely unique about the town of Yocona was that most of the people know each other. Because the town was so small there was chatter. Chatter about the town and all the things that they have going on. How work is going for everyone and how the church across the street is being newly renovated. A group of three senior citizens all gathered around in a circle and just stood there and smiled. One woman in the group said, ”aren’t you glad to be here to see it.” The other members of the group just stood there and smiled nodding their heads in agreement. One man in the group invited the other two members to go to his house to pick up some sweet potatoes. He invited them to just come drop by his home he does not even have to be home they are more than welcomed. When all three of them were interviewed they all said the same thing, “I came so early because I wake up early.” One lady had been up since 4 a.m. According to the sweet potato man, “I get up early and go. If the polls opened at 2 a.m. I would be here. I like to get out and don’t stay in. I get up and work on my farm. I have cows. I tended to them before I came here.”

It was three ladies with chairs sitting on by the side of the road with signs up for Brent Larson. Christy Lawson was up out this morning supporting her husband. “I have no choice to be out here. My husband is running for the Lafayette County School Board Member District One.    


I will be out here until 7 p.m. today coming and going. I am out here to support him.” Family friend Carla Davis came out with Mrs. Lawson to support them.

Many voters that were out this morning came mainly for the convenience and because they would not have time later this evening. They felt that tonight the polls would be packed with people trying to get in and vote at the last minute. Others said if they did not go this morning they would possibly forget to vote.