Not Voting

Posted on: November 9th, 2016 by bromski

Voting is a personal choice and whether one does so or not is up to them and nobody else.

Brad Mayo, Chairman of the Lafayette County Republican Party said that he believes it’s everyone’s right to not vote.

“At the same time, I can’t imagine not voting,” Mayo said. “I can’t imagine having to pick one of these two candidates either.”

Maddie Stirsman, senior and journalism major at the University of Mississippi, said she did not vote because she is from out of state and did not get her absentee ballot application in on time.

“ I wish I did though because I would really like to be able to vote today,” Stirsman said. “As for what I think the results will end up like, I think that Hillary Clinton will end up winning the election.”

Sarah Bode, senior and accounting major, said she thinks all college students should vote.

“It directly effects our future and potentially our kids future, we have the chance to make a difference with our vote,” Bode said.  “If taxes change that’ll effect us for when we are entering the work force.”

Bode said that students need to think forward to what kind of country we want to be working in and raising our families in.

Bode is hopeful that Trump will become the next president of the United States.

“I would say if you don’t know who you’re going to vote for to go and write somebody in that you can support, before you just don’t vote” Mayo said. “When you stay home that is not sending a message.”


Chelsea Scott